Dirty A&S Weekend

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Day 2nd-3rd November, 2024
Timetable Provisional timetable (more information soon)
Setup 9 am
Event Opens 9.30am
Tavern starts: 6pm
Site Opens 9 am
Event closes: 4pm
Description Come and get your hands dirty at Stormhold’s Dirty A&S weekend!
Have you ever wanted to try pewter casting?
Or make a leather covered book?
Is there something else you want to try or have skills and knowledge to share?
Classes providing practical skills to enhance your game will be held across the weekend with a tavern feast on Saturday evening.

Bundoora Scout Hall, 20 Noorong Ave, Bundoora VIC 3083.
Melway map Map 19, K2.
Google Map

Cost Adult – full event $50
Adult – one day and tavern night $40
Adult – Tavern only $30
Teenager (15 – 17)/ Collegians full event $40
Teenager (15 – 17)/ Collegians one day and tavern night $30
Child under 15 $20
Under 5 free $0
Non members: Please add an additional $10 for adults and $5 for children (under 18) to the above prices.
Payment by bank transfer. Don’t forget to bring proof of your membership!
Bookings Bookings are required.
Please book here.
Bookings close 27th October, 2024
Note We are following the Lochac SCA COVID-19 Response Plan. Participants are reminded that if they are unwell or showing cold or flu-like symptoms, they must not attend.
As this event is in the state of Victoria, please remember that anyone carrying or using any kind of sword in the state – including visitors – must carry proof that they completed the Victorian weapons exemption application process with the SCA Ltd Registrar – see https://sca.org.au/victorian-weapons-legislation/ for detailed information.
Event Steward Steward: Amelia de la Mere
Bookings Officer: Miriam Gailbraith

Source: Aurora consurgens, Ms. Rh. 172, f25v.-52. Link- https://www.e-codices.unifr.ch/en/list/one/zbz/Ms-Rh-0172